Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Mobile Phone Users In Uk Mobile Games

Writen by Judith Earl

Today, the mobile gaming industry has gone much ahead from the earlier times, when it had only simple and ordinary games.

The games once created for PC's are coming up in mobile phones and a large number of people are enjoying playing those games on the move. Mobile handsets are coming up with the latest technology and they are able to cope with the latest java games with 3D graphics. With the latest handsets having 3G technologies, you can now play with real people rather than competing against "ghost opponents".

On second-generation networks, the data transfer rate is too slow to play with real people. However, after 3G networks came into the picture, data transfer rates increased incredibly and now you can have multi-player gaming and real time racing.

Although playing latest technology games became relatively easier, people had to pay for the data they consumed while playing games. Most operators currently charge users for the megabytes they use. Because of high prices charged for downloading games and browsing the web, people don't spend much time online.

However, the flat rate pricing has completely altered the Internet industry and the number of people going online and mobile gamers has increased widely.

The user no longer has to restrict himself/herself to games that fit into the size of the memory of his/her handset. You can now add memory if you want to store games that require large memory. So now game makers can think about making games that need a huge storage capacity.

Without the introduction of 3G, these games wouldn't have been possible. With the games going big, mobiles are also receiving a make over. The mobile version of NFSU2 has about 40 hours of game play in it. Another big game is Sims 2 mobile, which could not have been made without 3G. PC games can now be loaded to a handset. The experience is as good as the full version even after changing the different modes for exploring and interacting.

To bring these complex games on a mobile phone is a big challenge. But a lot of progress is being made in this direction.

UK Mobile Phone

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