Thursday, February 5, 2009

Life Ii The Ultimate Virtual Reality Experience

Writen by Lance Winslow

In the future Virtual Reality may become the future addiction of mankind and it could very well replace drug and alcohol addiction in the human race. How so you ask? Well in the future you would not need a library full of DVD Video Computer Games, as you would only need One; which one you ask? And how can that even be possible with all the selection out there and the many companies competing for the consumers gaming dollar?

Well here is how it would work. Every game would be the same game and all games could be merged. How can this ever come to be? Well consider the Fifth and Sixth Generation of video games or even the Seventh, Eighth and Ninth. Eventually you will have a holographic video game in your living room and you will be one with the game and your living room will be the CAVE.

Additionally, all the games on your xBox will all be the same game and you can move from one to the next. For instance you can be a football player in a foot ball game and then after the game get into your car and race the streets of Los Angeles. Next you can join the Army and be immersed in a war battle video game or you might drive your car at high-speed to the airport and then fly an aircraft there, take off and go to your destination or have an aerial dog-fight. You see now how you will need only one video game?

How is this technology possible? Well it is already here and it is only a matter of some smart entrepreneur putting it all together and teaming up with Microsoft Gaming. What will you call such an incredible VR Virtual Reality System? Well just call it; IT. Because IT can be anything you want it to be, anytime you want to ditch real life for the Virtual World. Can you see why people will become addicted to that? Consider this in 2006.

By Lance Winslow

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