Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Sony Psp Downloads Possibilities Including Psp Video Tutorial

Writen by Lee McKenzie

If you ever loved the Sony Playstation consoles, then your definitely going to love the Sony PSP. With its portability and data storage capability Sony have really outdone themselves when it comes to the portable gaming experience. With features that include being able to play UMD music, movies and games and surf the world wide web, who wouldn't be eager to get their hands on one? As many people know these are the key points that the PSP has sold on. BUT! did you know you can also install games directly onto the memory sticks that come with it without the need for the UMD disk that the game was originally on? What a lot of people don't know about the PSP is that there are limitless possibilities to what you can make it do. Heck I've even seen someone use their PSP as a remote control. Possible because of its wireless setup and it's vulnerability to hackers.

There are numerous amounts of hacks available that can really transform your PSP into an extremely useful tool. If you look hard enough there is so much information on the net about the PSP hacks mainly tools and tutorials that can help you gain more from your PSP. The only problem you may have is with downloading content for your PSP. Sure there are a lot of download sites out there but they usually don't have what you looking for or are so complicated it makes your browsing process a nightmare. And even if you've downloaded the content there's no real way to know how to install it without having to search the net again for tutorials. However, there are sites out there that make this easy for you and you only have to do a quick search on any search engine to find them. Websites like this are a breeze to download content from because they have millions of files, tutorials and even have technical support areas in case you really get stuck. These sites usually come with a fee to begin using their content and are well worth the money. Everything you need for downloading is compiled into one website. Frustration is no longer a problem. If you really feel the need to expand your PSP experience having a look at some of these sites will really get you excited.

But for the beginners, here's a tutorial I compiled myself that describes how to put video onto your PSP. To see this tutorial visit the website: www.pspconnectonline.com Hopefully your eyes have been opened to the Sony PSP's amazing capability. So what are you waiting for get out there and start downloading.

Sudoku For Children Teach Them Early

Writen by Kathleen Frassrand

Teaching a child how to solve sudoku is more than just teaching them a new game. Sudoku is all about logic. Start early with your children. Allow their brains to learn logic, for it is indeed a learned skill. I firmly believe that children who learn logic early in life will excel in logic later. They will have a head start, and the logic section of their brains will develop more fully.

Now, that being said, how do you teach a child sudoku? The first step is to choose and easy puzzle. Start them with a 4x4 grid. You will need to make sure they understand the different between rows, columns, and mini-grids.

Once they understand these three components, you can begin to show them the logic. Start by locating a row that only needs one number. This should be easy in a 4x4 grid. Your child should be able to easily figure out which number is missing.

Work together on rows, then move on to columns. Again, look for columns that are only missing one number. Once your child has mastered working with rows and columns, you can work with mini-grids.

The second step is to work on rows, columns, and mini-grids that are missing two numbers. This is an important step. This is where logic really comes into play. If a row is missing a 5 and a 6, then show your child WHY a 5 must go in this spot, and a 6 must go in the other.

Also, it is important to note that when your child states that a number "must go here", it is your job to ask why. They may be guessing, and you won't know until they start guessing wrong. A child must understand the rules of sudoku in order to apply them, and it is your job to teach those rules in a methodical manner.

Once your child can routinely do a 4x4 grid, move on to a 6x6. For quite some time, you will need to stay with your child and show them where to go next. I recommend that you show your child which row or column to work on next (or which number to look for).

Before long, your child will be able to successfully complete a 6x6 with no help from you at all. That is when you move to a 9x9, and then on to harder solving techniques.

The most important thing you can do is START!

Good luck, and enjoy this special time with your child.

Ms. Frassrand is an avid Sudoku player who also loves spending time with her children. For more sudoku information, please visit http://sudoku.info-for-you-online.com

Monday, March 2, 2009

Alien Species Design And Organic Success Models

Writen by Lance Winslow

Have you ever considered what alien species might look like? Some of us have and many of our thoughts perhaps are based on those things we see on the silver screen in Hollywood. Indeed the Sci Fi authors, screen writers, graphic artists and illustrators of the present and recent past periods have gripped movie goes and captured our imaginations. But how accurate are these depictions; I mean are they viable considering some of the tight parameters necessary for life on other planets. Living on the surface of the planet or in an ocean of H20 leaves a species with lots of options indeed.

For instance let us consider here on Earth the incredible diversity of living organisms both on land and in our water oceans. Some of the creatures we have on Earth could certainly pass for our ideas of alien creatures. However on a Planet with seas of Methane life would be much different and on a planet with an atmosphere of CO2, the species would not be soft shell like skin and bones, but perhaps hard shell like lobsters, beetles and such?

Recently in an online think tank this subject was brought up and a fellow think tanker Marv, had considered what he believed could be universal rules which would apply to species living in the realm throughout out Universe. His ideas were predicated on "survivability and adaptability" and he came up with a few thoughts of what species would be the most successful and their basic make up specifically; "Bi-lateral symmetry, Carbon based, Endo-skeletal, at least bi-sexual and ability to exploit the environment to some degree."

Indeed many of these thoughts do make sense and on the subject of an "Intelligent Alien Species" he had this to say on the matter and stated;

"The ability to deliberately manufacture and manipulate fine things like tools to manufacture other tools is necessary to achieve a culture worthy of the label "intelligent."

Of course all this would be predicated on the type of environment available on the planet although these are interesting ideas and concepts of what alien life may look like on other planets. Perhaps you have such thought on these things and if not, perhaps you might consider all this in 2006.

Lance Winslow